Friday, September 27, 2013

We've Got A Birthday Shout Hooray!!

On September 20 this gorgeous lady turned...can you believe it...20!!! So Monday night we through Sarah a little Birthday Bash. Of course her request for the cake was Texas Sheet Cake, so we had quite a delicious feast!!
We didn't have any matches or fire of any we pretended that
her candles were lit!!
This is the may I say amazing Texas Sheet Cake birthday cake that
was made by none other than ME!!
I am so grateful for this girl!! I don't know what I
would do at college with out her!! Thanks for being
a great friend Sarah Sperry!!! Love You!!!

Monday, September 23, 2013

And The Adventure Begins....

This summer has been so exciting!! I spent the summer in Washington yet again working at my grandpa's ice cream parlor. It was a lot of fun. I got to work with old and new friends. I also got to work with my cousins Brady and Lindsey who both left on missions in August. This summer we also had a Brown family reunion in Washington. We spent the reunion on Anderson Island at our Grandpa's rental on the island. It was a lot of fun getting to spend time with all of my family. Sadly my uncle Randy, my uncle Steve, and my cousin Cody were not able to come. At the end of July I got to go to Minnesota and visit my dad's family who I haven't seen in almost 8 years!! It was a lot of fun getting to stay up late with my grandma and have long talks with her. I also loved getting to see my cousins and their kids. Some of their kids I hadn't even met yet!! In August I started my sophomore year at Snow College. I got a new apartment this year with 4 new roommates. My roommate Sarah and I were roommates last year as well as this year. It has been a lot of fun getting to know all of these girls. I love getting to spend time with them!! We have the funnest times!!
Melissa, Lindsey, and I thought it would be very comical to 
model the hairnets at work instead of our usual paper hats.
I got to spend Mother's Day in Washington with these lovely ladies!
(Lindsey, Alicia, Kathleen, and Me)
This was taken at Anderson Island during the Brown Reunion.
This was a picture of all of the cousins that were able to go, plus a few others!
This is my Mom's family, minus Randy!
(Grandpa, Grandma, Alicia, Julie, Kathleen, My Mom Angie, Digger, and Brenda)
The theme for the reunion was The House That Built Me.
This was the neat t-shirt my Aunt Kathleen designed.
Lindsey got Superman tattoos from her secret cousin so we all decided to put one on.
(Me, Michaela, Brady, and Lindsey)
I miss Brady and Lindsey like CRAZY!!!
This was the beginning of our trip to Minnesota.
We took this picture right off of the freeway!
We were so fortunate to have my cousin Alison and her kids there in Minnesota.
This is her daughter Amelia who has a twin brother Asher.
They were adorable!!!
This is my roommate Shalee.
Sarah, Megan, Shalee, and I decided to take a trip to provo
one weekend to get Cafe Rio for Dinner!
Sarah and Megan at Cafe Rio!
This was a picture of the Meg(h)an sandwich we made on the way
to the the Institute Stomp which is a dance!
(Megan, Shalee, and Meghan)
We celebrated Megan's 20th Birthday WOOT WOOT!!
She's an old fart now!!!
This is a picture of me and the rest of my roommates minus Megan.
This was taken at the Ephraim Malt Shop. Their Oreo shake is DELICIOUS!!
(Katie, Tatiana, Me, Sarah, and Shalee)

Sunday, September 22, 2013

All Things ShMeghan!

I have finally decided to begin blogging again!! This time I hope to stick with it!! So what better way than to start a brand NEW blog with this NEW goal!!